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eMohawk App Order Guide


Step 1. Download the App

From an IOS Apple Device, visit the app store and search for emohawk.  Click the emohawk app logo and app and download to your device

CLick for 

Barcode Ordering


Step 2. Open the App

Click the eMohawk icon on your device to open the app.

app icon.jpg

Step 3. Home Page

Click Create Order 


Step 4. Enable Camera

The First time the app is opened on your device, you will be asked to approve use of your camera.  Click OK.  This enables the device's camera to be used to scan barcodes. 


Step 5. Scan Items

To add an item to your order list, simply scan the barcode on the item.


Step 6. Scan Items

Scanning the barcode of an item will fill the code field.  The description file defaults blank which you can leave blank or type in a description (we are building a database of descriptions).  Click on the Items field to change the quantity.  To move on to the next item, press Save Item.  The screen is now ready to scan your next item.  Follow the same procedure.  When you have finished scanning all barcodes, click Overview.


Step 7. Overview

This screen provides a list of items you have scanned.  To add another item, click Add item.  Or if complete, click Submit Items.

New items.jpg

Step 8. Submit Order

This screen allows you to identify yourself and finalize your order.  

Submit Blank.jpg

Step 9. Complete Form

Enter the following information:

Submit Order to defaults to Mohawk’s email

Customer Confirmation customer’s email address to receive a copy of the item list

Order Placed By Name of order creator

PO# Customer’s purchase order number

Account# Customer’s account number

Signature Customer’s signature providing approval to place order 

When complete, press Send Email


Submit Order to, Customer Confirmation and Account# default after first use.



Step 10. Submit Order 

An email is automatically created with the item list and order information.  Press the Blue/white arrow to send email.  Once Mohawk receives your list and processes your order, you will receive an order confirmation by email.  


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